Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" - Esther 4:14

I am in awe at how big God is.  I am challenged to think about the fact that there is purpose in every moment of every day of my life - that every encounter with every person happens for a reason: from a brief "hello" to passers-by in Wal-Mart to lengthy conversations with coworkers and friends - every moment counts.  He is sovereign.  He orchestrated it all.  Nothing He does is ever wasted - ever.

Moments are only wasted if we choose to waste them.  That is a sobering thought.

I cannot help but wonder how many moments I have wasted in my life.  How many times has the Lord placed me in the path of another person only to watch as I ignore an opportunity to bring Him glory?  It breaks my heart to realize that I waste more "time" than I use.  

I'm pretty sure that the Lord has been listening to my prayers each day with an amused grin on His face.  He probably gets a good chuckle out of the fact that I ask Him to "use me in the lives of others".  I can almost picture Him saying, "Sweet girl, I am trying!"  (I added Sweet Girl for effect - He knows my heart, so I suspect he might choose an alternate adjective.)  Boy, am I thankful that He is patient!   Otherwise, I'd be in bad shape.

For the past few months I have been praying for the Lord to open my eyes so that I can see people like He sees them - for His heart for people - for spiritual discernment.  His word tells me that not only will He answer my prayers, but He will also reveal things that I didn't even know to ask about. (Jeremiah 33:3)  Beyond a shadow of a doubt, He has answered.  So many people who need His love have crossed my path recently.  The encounters have initially all seemed to be "normal - lunch dates, work appointments, phone calls, Facebook messages.    Oh friends!  There has been nothing normal about these encounters!  Each and every one has been the springboard for conversations that reveal almost inconceivable pain in their lives.  I'm stunned by how many women - young and old -  have opened up to me about deep hurt, emptiness, loneliness, and a desire for "something more" lately.

I have listened as women I barely know open up about the devastation in their lives, sharing stories of heartache that are almost too horrible to comprehend.  One thing that each precious woman has had in common is a consuming desire to feel valued and loved.  Each one, in her own way, has been desperately seeking ways to fill the emotional void.

The need to know Christ is almost palpable in their lives.  I know that I have been placed in these moments, with these people, in these situations for a reason.  I pray that, like Esther, I will be mindful of God's timing and that my concern will not be for myself, but for the needs of others.

Lord, use me.  Bring others to You through me.  Help me to see people the way that You see them.  Give me your heart for people; help me to be compassionate, selfless, and kind.  Put Your words in my mouth - Your thoughts in my mind - Your love in my life.  I love you, Lord.  I thank you for saving me.  I thank you for the opportunity to be right here, right now - for such a time as this.

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